Do you actually know all the settings and tricks to optimize your bulk SMS? Configurations for automation, serial SMS on the go via command line or time-delayed options for international marketing campaigns: Here you will find all important features on the topic.
Scatter bulk SMS or use it selectively
SMS are THE communication tool when it comes to high availability and reading rates. No other medium reaches recipients all over the world so reliably – at any time, even without the Internet or the latest high-tech. Business strategies for marketing, services, authentication, organization and scheduling benefit most from this. The areas of application are both extremely versatile and multi-layered. In some scenarios the sending of a mass SMS is mere speculation on success, most however depend on the same reliability and stable throughput rate.
A clear segmentation of the contact data is also important. Select all = long range? At first, the theory “I send my offer to everyone I know” seems tempting. In the long run, however, more and more annoyed customers will turn away from you. Because they feel disturbed by messages that seem irrelevant to them, or because they simply become too many. Therefore a purposeful bulk dispatch is recommended. There are numerous ways to automate, personalize and scale this effectively.