Pros and cons: Should you run SMS sweepstakes?
Last week I was visiting my in-laws and while the coffee was brewing, I was flipping through the articles of a TV magazine, lost in thought. In addition to delicious recipes (simple oven vegetables – perfect for fall), my eyes lingered on a sweepstakes. I already forgot what the prize was, but I remember HOW I could have participated:
“Send a postcard with your answer to address XY”.
“Might be appropriate for the target group” I thought and imagined dozens of colorful postcards with various designs being delivered to the organizers, some poor (or fortunate?) soul who needs to sort them all – but I digress.
The more important question I asked myself was: Shouldn’t the organizers have offered readers to take part via SMS?
Therefore, here are our pros and cons on the subject of SMS sweepstakes – and some tips for implementation.