Swift is a programming language developed by Apple, that was first released in 2014. It is multiparadigmatic and both strong and static. The programming language is described as modern, powerful and intuitive and, according to Apple, is also very suitable for beginners. To help said beginners start their coding journeys, the company even developed Swift Playgrounds. This is an app for the iPad, which is supposed to teach interested people the language in a playful way. All in all, it is not surprising that the language is becoming increasingly popular. As of today, many developers already use it more frequently than Objective-C.

The Swift client for seven.io
You want to include a strong SMS gateway provider in your next project. There are a couple of things you are paying attention to: Not only the quality of the gateway is important to you, but also that the provided services can be integrated very easily. With our new Swift client for seven.io we want to give you exactly what you need. Without much effort you can make use of our service flexibly and reliably – simply by using the client.
If you do decide to use our client, you will not need to make any compromises in the usability of our products. Whether you want to send bulk SMS, enable your customers to send replies or check your contacts with our number validation – you can use our services just the way you want to.
You want to use our client?
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