What is Huginn?
Huginn is a workflow automation tool that is open source and self-hosted.
SMS dispatch
By including the sms77 agent you can integrate SMS into your workflow. For example, you can implement event-based, automated SMS dispatch.
Performance Tracking
Performance Tracking allows you to track whether and how often an SMS was opened and how often the link specified in the SMS was clicked.
Flash SMS
Flash SMS are a special subtype of SMS. They are displayed on the recipient’s device directly on the starting device and are not stored after interaction.
Using our Voice API, you can send messages that are sent as a call and then read out to the recipient.
Sometimes also known as Text2Speech.
Sending SMS
[GitHub repo=’huginn-sms’ lang=’en’] Append huginn_sms77_agent string to your Huginn’s .envADDITIONAL_GEMS
If this agent is the only gem used it would look like this: ADDITIONAL_GEMS=huginn_sms77_agent
The last step is to run bundle
from a shell.
[GitHub repo=’huginn-voice’ lang=’en’] Append huginn_sms77_voice_agent string to your Huginn’s .envADDITIONAL_GEMS
If this agent is the only gem used it would look like this: ADDITIONAL_GEMS=huginn_sms77_voice_agent
The last step is to run bundle
from a shell.
If you have any questions at all concerning the sms77 agents for Huginn, please contact our support via mail.