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What is Sylius?

Sylius is an eCommerce platform based on Symfony. The platform can be extended with plugins.


With the sms77 plugin for Sylius you can send SMS without leaving your store’s interface. You can send SMS when an order is placed, send bulk SMS, personalize messages, mark your SMS with labels and create a fixed sender name. Caution! Your sender name can contain up to 11 alphanumeric or 16 numeric characters.
You can set all functions in the plugin configuration.


  1. Add to config/bundles.php Sms77\SyliusPlugin\Sms77SyliusPlugin::class => ['all' => true],
  2. Add to config/routes.yaml
        resource: "@Sms77SyliusPlugin/Resources/config/admin_routing.yml"


  3. Add to config/services.yaml
        - { resource: "@Sms77SyliusPlugin/Resources/config/config.yml" }
  4. Make migrations
    php bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff
    php bin/console doctrine:migrations:execute --up XXXXXXXXXXXX (replace XXXXXXXXXXXX with number output from last command)
  5. Navigate to Sms77->Configurations and create your first configuration.


Please contact us via mail if you have more questions about our plugin for Sylius.