MNP Lookup

Check the network membership of a mobile phone number

The Mobile Number Portability (MNP) lookup requests the porting status for any international number. This means that it is queried with which network operator the number is currently hosted. The reason behind this is that customers often continue to use their old number when changing network operators and port it to a new operator.

With the help of this Lookup you can optimize the routing for your SMS, but also for calls. This query does not validate a number – please use the HLR query. In return, the MNP query is 50% cheaper than the HLR query with a price of 0.005€ per queried number.

Looking for another way to validate your numbers? Check out our number validation product page for an overview.

  • Porting status

    Quickly and easily check the porting status of a phone number

  • Inexpensive

    The low-cost alternative to the HLR Lookup – also available as Flatrate

  • Perfect routing

    Optimize your routing for services such as SMS, calls, etc.

MNP demonstration:


curl -XGET ""


{ "success": true, "code": 100, "mnp": { "country": "DE", "number": "+491632429751", "national_format": "0163 2429751", "network": "E-Plus", "isPorted": false } }