Attention: Integromat became Make at the beginning of 2022.
Integromat is a successful online automation program. It enables the creation of processes in which different apps communicate with each other. Once completed, the processes can then run automatically.
Due to the visual representation, no programming skills are required to develop the automation. This makes the application accessible to anyone willing to learn about no-code automation. In the simplest version, you can use the software free of charge. If you need more extensive services, you can choose between different paid versions. and Integromat
If you need to send automated SMS, we have great news: Our services are also available on Integromat. You can include various commands in your processes and thus automate processes and notifications in your company in which, for example, SMS are sent. To use seven in the automation software, you need to have an account with us, of course. After a short setup, you can immediately start creating automations that send SMS via seven.
Please visit our integration page for Make for the latest information and instructions.