Synology produces servers and NAS-Systems and thus offers its customers the possibility to store and access data in a variety of ways. Security and accessibility are Synology’s top priorities. Not only big businesses can benefit from the solutions, but also small business owners, other self-employed people, as well as private individuals. Synology also offers Linux-based operating systems for its own devices. A cloud-based file hosting system is part of the offer as well.
seven as SMS service provider in Synology
If you integrate seven as SMS service provider, you can easily get notifications sent to your cell phone. So when certain events or errors occur, your NAS will trigger an SMS dispatch and you will know within seconds. Possible events include a lost connection or power failure, low storage capacity on the volume, changes in fan behavior, backup errors, and others. Since SMS attract much more attention than e-mails, your response time to the problem will be shortened. For details on how to set up seven in your Synology NAS, please visit our helpdesk.
Automated sending of SMS notifications
Need help setting up the SMS feature?
Head to our helpdesk to see how to do it.